'Twas some nights before Christmas, and warm by the fire
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all cosy in fleece
All dreaming of kigus stuffed under the tree;
And mama in her onesie, and I in mine too,
Had just settled down for a long winter's snooze,

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutter and threw up the sash.
And what, to my wondering eyes should appear,
But, bearing good news and cheer;

We know how much fun it is to surprise your loved ones with something as warm, cute, and silly as a kigurumi. We also happen to believe that there's a special onesie for everyone! Since no two styles are alike, and it can sometimes be daunting to choose on behalf of another person, we've come up with a special option to help you out: gift cards!
With a gift card, you can let your friends and family in on the kigurumi action without being too worried about whether or not they'll get the one they've been secretly dreaming about, because it allows them to select their own style!
Gift cards are delivered by e-mail and contain instructions to redeem them at checkout. Our gift cards have no additional processing fees. They also never expire!
We hope that this helps turn some gift-giving stress back into gift-giving fun! Be sure to contact us at with any comments or questions!
Click here for Gift Cards! ❤